Wild Herbivore Diet Hi-Fiber is a nutritionally-balanced, starch- and phosphorus-controlled diet designed for herbivores managed under human care. These highly palatable, high-fiber pellets are an excellent giraffe food that support a healthy rumen.

Choose the waterfowl food used by zoo professionals to care for your flock. Mazuri® Waterfowl Maintenance Diet is designed to provide quality nutrition for ornamental ducks, geese, swans and other waterfowl species. Your birds will get all the vitamins and minerals they need with no supplementation required – and you can use the diet as a base to design a complete feeding program for herbivorous or omnivorous ducks.

Sani-Chips®, a long time staple in animal bedding, are manufactured from superior hardwoods. Our woods come in one of two species types, which vary depending on which part of the country they are manufactured. The wood species are either ASPEN or a blend of BEECH, BIRCH and MAPLE. Both varieties have the same exact specifications and characteristics, only the Aspen is typically slightly brighter in color and lighter in weight. The chips are dried to 8% (+/-2%) moisture content and then screened to National Institute of Health specifications, which include a size range from 8 to 20 mesh. Our Sani-Chips® are packaged in 2.2 cubic foot, auto-clavable bags. Unlike many beddings, Sani-Chips® are ready for use right out of the bag.